El ultimo estimado del Censo arroja la conclusion que Texas es el estado que más ha crecido en el ultimo año, aunque California sigue siendo el estado mas poblado con 37 millones de habitantes vs. 24.8 millones en Texas. Este año se hará un censo y la oficina de Censo (censo Bureau) esta recrutando gente para llevar a cabo el censo. El censo es de singular importancia porque con base a estos números se llevan una cantidad de planes públicos como hospitales, escuelas, carreteras etc. Además tiene un impacto político importantisímo pues con este número tambien se calculan la cantidad de representantes en el Congreso que puede tener cada estado. La oficina del censo quiere hacer énfasis en que contará tambien a los millones de ilegales que viven en USA pues esto es una realidad y se necesitan estos números para los procesos de planificación.
Si quieren participar en esta experiencia y ademas ganar algun dinerito pueden llamar al teléfono que les dejo a continuacion. Los horarios son flexibles y necesitan of course, spanish speaking people. Anímense! www.census.gov/popest/overview.html
Info para trabajar en el Censo 2010
The Census Bureau is indeed recruiting.
The number 214-432-7850 is for the office that serves North Dallas.
The best number to call is 866-861-2010.
When you call this number, you will be prompted to enter your home zip code.
Then your call will be directed to the appropriate office, which includes Mesquite/East Dallas, Central Dallas and South Dallas as well as North Dallas in County. Plus all the other Census offices in neighboring counties.
You will be scheduled to take either the supervisory or the non-supervisory test - or BOTH - please take both tests!
Candidates for hiring are pulled from the applicant database by test score within specific geographical areas. There is a need for Spanish language capabilities as well as Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, Russian and several other languages.
The number 214-432-7850 is for the office that serves North Dallas.
The best number to call is 866-861-2010.
When you call this number, you will be prompted to enter your home zip code.
Then your call will be directed to the appropriate office, which includes Mesquite/East Dallas, Central Dallas and South Dallas as well as North Dallas in County. Plus all the other Census offices in neighboring counties.
You will be scheduled to take either the supervisory or the non-supervisory test - or BOTH - please take both tests!
Candidates for hiring are pulled from the applicant database by test score within specific geographical areas. There is a need for Spanish language capabilities as well as Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, Russian and several other languages.
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