Mi hijo Ricardo de 13 años participó en la experiencia de intercambio este verano. Estuvo 3 semanas en Austria y luego el muchacho austríaco estuvo 3 semanas en mi casa en Dallas. Ademas de programas de intercambio hay campamentos por tres semanas fuera de USA. Si quieren mas info, sigan leyendo abajo. Patty Gomez-Palacio gomezp.patricia@gmail.com esta super involucrada con el programa y puede dar mas info tambien.
Los programas para el 2011 son:
Village Edad 11 años
Londres (July 8-aug 4), Sao Jose dos campos, Brasil (July 1- 28)Victoria, Australia (DEc 28-Jan 24)
Edad 12-13 Reykjavik, Iceland summer
Edad 13-14 Republic of Georgia
Edad 14-15 Prague, Czech Republic
Summer Camp edad 15 Amterdam,Netherlands July 15-Aug 6
Junio Counselor edad 16- 17
Vancouver, Canada July 3-30 female
Porvoo,Finland July 1-28 male
Araraquara,Brazil Dec 26-Jan 22 male
Seminar Camp Riga, Latvia, July 23-Aug 12 age 17-18
Youth Meeting Habo, Sweden edad 16-18
CISV Program Information Meeting
Sunday November 7th, 2010
1:30-3:00 pm
Sue Weiner’s home
6326 Riverview Lane
Dallas, TX 75248
For info on our specific programs for 2011 please see the attached Program information Sheet or look on our website CISV DFW under DFW Programs. This information sheet includes Program chairs and contact numbers if you have questions but cannot attend the information meeting. Please RSVP jdmock2@gmail.com orhuizen@verizon.net
This meeting will be for any families who have not previously participated in a CISV program or who are not familiar with a program (i.e. your child has done Village but you are not familiar with the interchange program). We have excellent programs for the 2011 year so please pass this email along to any families who might be interested in the programs.